Nineteenth Construction Update

Welcome to the latest Luna Residences construction update!

Over the past few weeks, we have encountered a fair bit of rain in Playa; however, construction of our studio residences continues. We have removed formwork from our basement and ground levels. While we continue to work on our studios, we also are preparing for concrete pouring for the level 2 slab scheduled over the next few weeks.

Did you know?

The “Tuna” or prickly pear fruit, which comes from the Nopal cactus native to Mexico, can display a range of vibrant colors from green and yellow to red and purple. These fruits are not only delicious and juicy but also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They have been consumed in Mexico for centuries, both fresh and in products like jams and juices.

As always, it’s been a pleasure to bring you this update, and we look forward to the next one on the full moon in a few weeks.

With love,
Luna Residences Team

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